Monday, April 28, 2008

Photos + Review! Tittsworth @ Pintura International Graffiti Conference & Afterparty (Orlando) 04.26.08

Presented by WPI Entertainment

This was certainly a different experience. Basically, from around noon until 7, graffiti artists from all around the globe spray painted the concrete ground and 3 warehouse walls, as well as pieces of wood, cardboard, and anything else they could get their cans on!

I arrived around 7 and there was still light and the artists will still spraying. I managed to snap some daytime shots of some of the art before a helicopter appeared in the skies above, with Kevin Maistros hanging out filming, delivering Tittsworth to the event (even though I already spotted him earlier inside...guess he likes to make grand entrances!)

Orlando DJs Mot and Kittybat started the evening festivities out around 8...Mot in the courtyard, Kittybat in the main warehouse. DJ Indiana Jones took over the warehouse next and spun some hip hop, then was followed by Jessie Tittsworth who really did a nice job of spinning a variety of music, belting out a quick fury of not-typical-for-electro-sets, like Nirvana.

The warehouse party was reminiscent of the late 90s ravedays...not that I can speak from personal experience, but other people mentioned it.

Around 2am, a few handfuls of us went back to the Lexington Hotel for a penthouse afterparty. It was a little dull at first as people slowly arrived...but of course really picked up and got a little crazy once Maistros arrived with lots and lots of alcohol, bellhop style! Indiana Jones spun some more, and Andrew Spear took over a little later.

Ok, enough recapping and reviewing...onto the pics!

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